Quotes from TIC teachers

A growing number of newly qualified teachers are realising the opportunities of working in international schools available to them. Here are some who have made the move:

“I’m enjoying Doha immensely.  Living accommodation is excellent, the weather fantastic and in my spare time I’m playing for a local football team” – Lawrence Diver spent three years teaching in Scotland before moving to Park House International School in Doha

“I never realised how well a teaching career matched with travelling and experiencing the world!” - Fiona Shaw moved from New Zealand to teach at Soderkulla International School in Sweden

“Definitely do it! This has been the most favourite thing I’ve done in my career. There are so many places to go and people to meet.” – Heather Tinsley taught in the UK for three years before moving to Qatar International School

“You will never look back again; it unlocks endless opportunities in your life. It makes you such a diverse person and teacher. Grab an opportunity like this and embrace every moment.” – Nicole Brand moved as a young teacher from Jordan to teach in the Middle East

“The tax free option was extremely appealing! Socially there are lots of people from different countries which is always interesting. I met my fiancé here!” – Tamara Thorpe, a new teacher from New Zealand moved to Sharm British School in Egypt

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