Gulf British Academy, Kuwait Gulf British Academy, Kuwait

This British international school in Kuwait opened its doors in September 2005 and quickly established itself as one of Kuwait’s top independent co-educational schools for pupils from Foundation to Year 9. They will add a new year level in subsequent academic years so that in the fullness of time the school will offer IGCSE and A-Level examinations, thus enabling pupils to apply for the best universities around the world. The school is a friendly place where all children are valued as individuals and parents welcomed as partners in their child’s education. The school is well-resourced and in a brand new building, with its state-of-the-art facilities and materials, it is a testament to their focus on providing stimulating environments for all pupils. They take pride in their ability to introduce new facilities, adapt current ones and develop new learning concepts quickly so that pupils benefit without delay.

The school strives to deliver creative and interactive academic programmes. These are based on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework for Pre-KG, KG and Reception classes, and the new National Curriculum in England for Years 1 and 2 (Key Stage 1), Years 3 to 6 (Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2) and now Years 7, 8 and 9 (Key Stage 3). All subjects are taught in English except for the Arabic programme, which is prescribed directly by the Ministry of Education in Kuwait.